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Ready to supercharge your consulting career? Packed with insights, this episode of Climb In Consulting brings you a whole host of valuable advice from some of the industry’s leading figures. 

Regular listeners will know that we occasionally change gears to bring you special round-up episodes. And if you’re new to the show, sit back and enjoy, you’re in for a real treat!

In every interview, we ask our guests one key question: 

“What’s your single best piece of advice for aspiring consultants, managers, and those aiming for partner?”

Since our guests represent diverse backgrounds and career paths, their answers are as unique as they are insightful. 

Many of you have told us these pieces of advice are like gold, so  we compile them into special episodes – just like this one.

This time around, get ready to hear from a fantastic selection of guests featured over the past eight months on Climb In Consulting. Our experts include:

  • Graeme Curwen, Co-Founder and CEO of Enfuse Group
  • Assad Ahmed, CEO of Phase 3 
  • Simon Dixon, CEO of Hatmill 
  • Marc Jantzen, Founder of The Consultancy Growth Network
  • David Bailey, Strategic M&A Advisor
  • Graeme Freeman, Co-founder of Freeman Clarke 
  • Mark Grice, Co-founder of Total Negotiation Group 
  • Sarah Matthew, Founder of The Vibrant Company

These thought leaders share practical strategies for navigating every phase of your consulting career, so whether you’re just starting out or seeking that push to the pinnacle, this episode delivers actionable guidance and inspiration.

Ready to climb to new heights? Tune in to the new Climb In Consulting episode and unlock your full potential.

Enjoy the show!
